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These are richest zodiac signs in India as per Hurun 2024 Rich List

People born under the Cancer sign had the best year, as per the latest Hurun India Rich List, followed by Gemini and Leo. Cancer witnessed an astonishing 84 per cent increase in cumulative wealth. Gemini follows closely, with a notable 77 per cent increase in wealth. In third place is Leo, with a 68 per cent rise in cumulative wealth.
Sagittarius, with a 64 per cent wealth increase, and Libra with 61 per cent are also in the top five. Capricorn saw a 58 per cent increase in cumulative wealth followed by Pisces with a 46 per cent increase.
Aquarius and Virgo share the eighth spot, each with a 39 per cent increase in wealth. Aries, Scorpio, and Taurus occupy the final spots, with wealth increases of 34 per cent, 33 per cent, and 32 per cent, respectively.
Overall, Cancer leads in terms of wealth growth, Gemini tops the list in total contribution, representing 9.9 per cent of the richest individuals on the list. These include prominent figures like Kumar Mangalam Birla and LN Mittal.
Scorpio and Aries showed a strong presence in the list as Sunil Mittal and Mukesh Ambani showed modest growth rates.
